Mark Horvath: A True American Hero!

by David J. Stewart | November 2020
Proverbs 29:7, “The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it.”

There are not many people whom I truly look up to as a mentor, but Mark Horvath is one of my heroes. I love this guy! His effective outreach is called: InvisiblePeople.Tv. Most Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless. It could happen to nearly anyone. People respond to love. Mark's genuine love is felt by millions of people, especially the homeless. Mark's videos give the poor and homeless a voice to be heard. Mark has put a face on homelessness since 2008, because he cares. Mark has a big heart!

Mark's efforts define pure religion. James 1:27, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” In one video Mark tells the story about a Christmas that he remembers, where he oversaw 150 people in a shelter. As he drove home that night, he saw a bunch of people exiting a church, where they had sang Christmas songs in worship of God. I fully agree with Mark, who said that he worships God by helping the homeless! Yes Sir, I am with you 100%. America's churches rake in about $127,000,000,000 a year, yet what do all these prosperous religious organizations do to help the down and out, poor and homeless in our society? Many churches do help, but not enough. When I learned that Pastor Steven Furtick paid $1,700,000 to build a new home in North Carolina, it made me sick! Mr. Furtick is a piece of religious trash! Mark Horvath's annual salary is about $23,000, if he is fortunate enough to earn that. It sickens me that the people who genuinely care are the one's who receive the least! We are such a foolish American culture of blame, selfishness and backwards thinking. Thank God for Mark!

I know the pain of not being loved by fellow professed Christians. I like what one homeless man said in one of Mark's InvisiblePeople videos: “I am not here to be loved, comforted and helped; but to love, comfort and help others!” What an honorable thing for a homeless man to make such a selfless statement! We live in a society of blame today. I am going to love everyone else with God's unconditional love. Sadly, most people involved with religious work today are merely in it for the money. That is why Jesus warned in Luke 16:13, “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Look at all the good that Mark is doing with so little, and then look at how little today's mega churches are doing with so much!!! Many of the so-called “charities” that allege to help the poor pay extravagant outrageous 6-digit salaries to their leaders. Why do fat cat big charities need to pay their leaders $375,000 a year? I won't give a dime to any so-called “charity” that pays its executives $275,000 a year!

We like to blame people in the United States, to fabricate moral fables that blame everything on the homeless themselves. I learned from Mark that 84% of homeless people do not have serious mental issues. Yet a common excuse that we hear from well-to-do people is that the homeless are mentally-ill. From watching his insightful YouTube videos, I have learned from Mark that homeless people are not lazy! They get up early each morning and have to struggle to survive. They have to find water, food, shelter and money to buy some items that cannot be given secondhand (e.g., medicine, tampons, toiletries, et cetera). America is at a low point in empathy! We have become so accustomed to driving down the street and seeing homeless people laying on the streets. What has happened to America? Urbanization has destroyed our country! Big cities intrinsically create big problems. The primary cause of homelessness is a woeful lack of affordable housing. In San Francisco the average monthly rent is $3,700. In Los Angeles it is $2,400. Many homeless people work fulltime jobs, but still cannot afford to pay for housing.

One constructive criticism that I have of Mark Horvath is that he fails to address the primary root cause of poverty and homelessness, which is the central banks. Central banking fraud (printing money that no one earned), deindustrialization (outsourcing U.S. jobs to foreign countries) and illegal immigration are three primary root causes of poverty and homelessness in America. Obviously, Mark cannot address illegal immigration without offending many people, but he certainly can and should expose the central banks and deindustrialization. Amazon.com just hired 500,000 Americans to meet the demand for online shopping due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This is a workforce shift from many smaller business, which have laid off workers due to the pandemic.

Albeit, the hiring being done domestically is merely a tiny fraction of the tens of millions of manufacturing jobs which have been lost to deindustrialization. All across America, such as in Utah, a shockingly high number of Americans are collecting welfare due to the loss of high paying manufacturing jobs. In 1963 Americans receive $75,000,000 in Food Stamps, but today in 2020 Americans receive a staggering $75,000,000,000 in Food Stamps! Since 1970 the U.S. dollar has lost 82% of its spending power! This is the consequence of central banking fraud! That is, counterfeit money which the U.S. Treasury prints out of thin air, for the privately owned Federal Reserve to lend to Americans at interest. Central banking is the root cause of homelessness in America. Look at what Thomas Jefferson, one of our nation's founding fathers, said about the evils of the central banks:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” —Thomas Jefferson

I kindly and respectfully encourage Mark Horvath to expose the evils of the central banks. Until the Federal Reserve is done away with completely, poverty and homelessness will never end in the United States. Certainly much can still be done in an attempt to end homelessness, but we are merely arranging decks chairs on the sinking Titanic of the U.S. economy! God bless Mark Horvath. I love you my Christian brother!

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