How does the Bible characterize God as a person?

A. He creates (Gen 1:1).
B. He destroys (Gen 18:20; 19:24–25).
C. He provides (Ps 104:27–30; Luke 12:24).
D. He promotes (Ps 75:6–7).
E. He cares (Heb 10:35; 1 Pet 5:6–7).

No principle can care. Only a person can care for another person or another object.


He Cares


Hebrews 10:35; 1 Peter 5:6–7


Poet Thomas Baird was inspired by these verses in 1 Peter and Hebrews when he wrote:


It is His will that I should cast my cares on Him each day.
    He also bids me not to cast my confidence away;
    But oh! How foolishly I act when taken unaware,
    I cast away my confidence and carry all my care.

  F. He hears (Ps 94:9–10).

The fact that God hears is mentioned nearly 70 times in the Psalms alone. In almost all cases this fact is connected to hearing our prayers. God hears in times of sorrow (Ps 6:8). God hears in time of trouble (Ps 34:6). God hears anytime we pray (Ps 55:17).

G. He hates.

There are certain things that God hates, and this can only describe a person (Prov 6:16–19).

H. He grieves (Gen 6:6).

As humans are grieved, God grieves. In the New Testament we are commanded not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God (Eph 4:30).

I. He loves (John 3:16).