A. He was having fellowship with his Son (see John 17:5, 24). Why did God make man in the first place? Well, whatever else may be involved, he did not create Adam because he was lonely. God had, does have, and always will have a beloved Son called Jesus Christ.
B. He was creating angels and stars (Job 38:4, 7). Both were there at the creation of Adam. The starlight fell upon that beautiful garden and the angels hovered over it.
C. He was choosing the elect (Eph 1:4; 2 Tim 1:9). Theologians may argue over the reason for this election but not over the fact of the matter!
D. He was planning for a church (Eph 3:8–9). Before God created the fiery stars, he had in mind the tongues of fire.
E. He was preparing for a Kingdom (Matt 25:34). Thus, in God’s mind the thousand–year period of the Millennium preceded the one-week period of Creation.
F. God was planning for a Savior (1 Pet 1:18–20; Rev 13:8). Long before he placed the first Adam in the Garden, God prepared the second Adam for the Cross.