What does it mean that God is incomprehensible?

No one except God himself can ever fully understand and comprehend God!

Even if we could thoroughly grasp all those truths God has revealed concerning himself in the Scriptures (which we cannot do), this might be likened to a drop of water taken from the mighty ocean. The drop is indeed a part of the ocean but does not in any way exhaust its incredible resources!

Let us suppose in heaven we are able to double our learning each year concerning the person and attributes of God. So a believer who begins eternity with x amount of knowledge about God has doubled it at the end of the first year. The second year he knows four times as much as at the beginning, the third year, eight times as much, etc. By the end of his tenth year he will have increased his knowledge concerning God a thousandfold. At the conclusion of year twenty, the figure jumps to one million. At the end of the thirtieth year the number leaps to one billion. Following the fortieth year it reaches one trillion. As he finishes his first century in eternity his knowledge of God (doubling each year) would exceed 1030 (one followed by 30 zeroes) times his original amount of knowledge. This figure is thousands of times more than the combined total of all the grains of sand on all the seashores of the earth. But this number simply marks his first 100 years. How much knowledge-doubling will he have experienced at the end of his first one million years? This staggering figure cannot even be comprehended by the mortal mind, but whatever it is, and however many zeroes it represents, it will double itself the very next year. The point of all the above is simply this: Throughout the untold and unnumbered trillions and trillions of years in timeless eternity, each child of God can double his or her learning about the Creator each year and yet never even remotely exhaust the awesome height, depth, or length to be known of the person of God.

Is it any wonder in light of all this that the Scriptures proclaim God’s unfathomable greatness? (Job 5:7–9; 11:7–9; Ps 36:5–6; Rom 11:33).