Righteousness can be defined as moral equity. Justice is the illustration of this moral equity. In righteousness, God reveals his love for holiness. In justice, God reveals his hatred for sin.
Stated another way, his actions are in perfect accord with the divine law that he himself has established (Ps 19:7–9).
Thus, God always acts in accordance with what is right and is himself the final standard of what is right. The Scriptures present God’s righteousness and justice in a threefold light:
This is seen in his—
A. H. Strong points out, however, that while God’s righteousness guarantees rewards, it does not bestow them:
Neither justice or righteousness bestows reward. This follows from the fact that obedience is due to God, instead of being optional or a gratuity. No creature can claim anything for his obedience. If God rewards, He rewards by virtue of His goodness and faithfulness, but not by virtue of His justice or His righteousness. (Systematic Theology, p. 293)