Theologians see at least 33 distinct attributes of God revealed in Scripture. They place these in two categories: non-communicable and communicable. “Communicable” essentially means “transferable.” Some of God’s attributes are shared by his creation, but some are not. First, the attributes that are not shared by God’s creation.
These are qualities unique to God’s being and nature. They are independent of his connection with the universe.
He is the ultimate pure and perfect being, incorporeal, without material substance or physical parts, not having size or dimensions.
He is the only and ultimate unified being, with each divine attribute perfectly united with all other attributes, yet each maintaining its own uniqueness, identity and function.
There is only one God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three eternal and co-equal persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—the same in substance (who each person is), but distinct in subsistence (what each person does).
This means the true nature and intrinsic essence of the divine Creator can never be fully seen by the eyes of his creation.
He is because he is, being the only source of his own eternal existence, independent of any and all outside influences.
He has never had in eternity past, nor can ever have in the ages to come, a single need for which his own divine nature has not already provided.
He is absolutely free from the tyranny of time. In him there is no past or future, but one always and never-ending present. He is neither conditioned nor confined by time. He is indeed the timeless one who both created and controls time. He always was, is, and ever shall be.
He has no time or space limitations and is bound only by his own nature and will.
He possesses in both quantitative and qualitative fashion the ultimate in excellence, without the slightest flaw or imperfection.
He is able to accomplish anything and everything if it can be done, and if it does not contradict his own nature.
The Creator, in the totality of his essence, without diffusion or expansion, multiplication or division, having neither size nor spatial dimensions, penetrates and fills the universe in all its parts. Stated more simply, God is everywhere at the same time.
He possesses without prior discovery of facts complete and universal knowledge of all things past, present, and future. This includes not only the actual, but also the possible.
He never changes from himself, his divine character remaining constant. While his program in dealing with many may change, his person does not. He is indeed the same yesterday, today, and forever.
By this is meant that no one can ever fully understand and comprehend God, in regards to who he is and what he does, except God himself.
This attribute refers to the inexplicable and mysterious ways of God.
He is the essence, source, strength, standard, and sustainer of physical, mental, and spiritual illumination.
He is utterly unlike anyone or anything we have known or indeed can know, being totally separated from all his creation.
He is weighted down with brilliant and dazzling riches, beauty, honor, and fame. He is that splendid and shining One.
These attributes revealed by God are at least partially understood and experienced in human existence.
This is a reference to that eternal, unlimited, personal, self-conscious, self-determining, and vibrant inner energy found only in the very essence of God.
He exists and is aware of his existence, having the power of self-determination and possessing all the attributes of personality.
His actions are in perfect accord with the divine law that he himself has established. Thus, as he is the standard of what is right, he will always do the right thing.
He is the absolute and sole ruler in the universe, having total freedom, power, knowledge, wisdom, and determination to successfully accomplish all his divine will.
This means his being and knowledge eternally conform to each other. Thus, God is true for he alone represents things as they actually are, for truth is reality revealed.
This refers to his ability to rightly apply all his knowledge in regards to the good of his creatures.
Divine goodness is that eternal principle of God’s nature that leads him to communicate of his own life and blessedness to all his creation.
In the positive sense of the word, God’s holiness assures the abundance of every clean and pure element within the divine person, while from a negative perspective, it guarantees the absolute absence of any unclean or evil element.
This is a reference to his controlled restraint in regards to his righteous wrath in the face of rebellion and sin.
This speaks of his immediate and continuous response to man’s wickedness, that is, a settled opposition to anything contrary to his holiness.
He is deeply committed to seeking the highest honor of his own name and his own people.
He is loyal both to himself and to his people in that he always does what he has promised to do.
This speaks of God’s compassion and pity upon those in great distress, even when the person involved has caused his own problems through sinful activities.
This is a reference to his unmerited favor. Grace and mercy are different sides of the same coin. Mercy is that act of withholding merited punishment, while grace is that act of bestowing unmerited favor. Thus, mercy assures the sinner of not getting what he deserves, namely hell, while grace assures him of getting what he does not deserve, namely heaven.
This refers to his unselfish, unlimited, unconditional, undeserved and undying concern in regards to our welfare, whereby he always seeks our highest good.
1. attributes that God reveals in heaven throughout eternity.
2. attributes that God chooses to never reveal.