A. The protons and neutrons within the nucleus are held together with one billion tons of force per cubic inch. This is around forty pounds of energy between each proton.
B. This energy force is 1037 times stronger than regular gravitational forces. How big is this number? It is over 100 trillion times greater than the number of all the grains of sand on earth’s seashores.
C. German physicist Otto Gail has calculated that if the molecular energy in a single drop of gasoline could be totally utilized in an automobile, it would be sufficient for 400 journeys around the world (a trip involving 10 million miles).
D. Albert Einstein estimated that the total amount of energy released from one ounce of water could easily lift 200 million tons of steel one mile above the earth.
E. The various stars and galaxies were created by the conversion of energy into mass. It has been determined that the amount of energy used in the creation of only one gram of matter (1/450th of a pound) is 2.5 times greater than the energy generated by Niagara Falls in one entire day: 10 million kilowatts.