Author Reginald Daly believes it makes sense that an Ice Age would follow a universal flood: There could not have been a universal flood without a glacial age following. The deserts were sopping wet for centuries following the flood. There were lakes everywhere. Evaporation kept humidity at 100%. There was rain every day in the north country. Winds carried moisture-laden clouds, super-saturated, to northern Canada, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, where snow poured down every day and every hour from November until April, probably five hundred or a thousand feet thick the first winter. Multiply 500 feet of snow by 100 years of wet weather. This makes 50,000 feet of snow which would settle down into approximately 5,000 feet of ice—the glacial age. The tops of these mountains, a mile high, would be so cold that snow would continue to pile up all spring and early fall as well as all winter, leaving such a brief, chilly July-August summer that only a small amount of snow would melt. The small amount melting in July would be many times over-balanced by the prodigious winter snowfall. The effect would be cumulative: the higher the mountain, the colder the temperature, the shorter the summers, and the greater the snowfall. The weight of a mile or two of ice would cause it to flow outwards, across the Baltic Sea, depositing boulders all over the north German plain, as we find them today. Also downward over North America, across Lake Erie, leaving moraines, eskers, drumlins and boulders across Ohio and Missouri as far south as the Missouri River. (Earth’s Most Challenging Mysteries, p. 142)
Few other men have written as extensively on the Ice Age from a Christian viewpoint as Donald Patten has. He looks to the mammoths for insight about the onset of the Ice Age:
Mammoths were, along with mastodons, the largest members of the elephant family. They have become mummified in two manners, both of which suggest cataclysm and suddenness. In Alaska and Siberia mammoths have been mummified, apparently by the millions, both in ice and in sedimentary strata. . . .
Every indication is that the mammoths died suddenly, in intense cold, and in great numbers. (The Ice Age, p. 105)