Dear friends and visitors. I just want to take this moment to wish each and everyone a very blessed Christmas season. Its this time of the year that hearts are tender to the things of God and a good time to be able to share your faith with someone else. Our homes and society as a whole are in such disarray.Jesus can fix all the broken things in our lives and in society. When we lose track of the truly important things of God then all of society loses, and that's happening in our homes, schools, government and society. The Devil is doing a great job at this. The answer to the problems is a very simple thing. GET BACK TO THE BOOK OF BOOKS. (BIBLE). It alone has all the answers to every problem of life including answers to the pandemic (covid-19) Please look through this website for information and answers. Maybe this season is the time you want to recommit yourself to the Lord. Make a resolution to do it and stick with it.God bless each and every one. We at BECKHAM CHURCH love you. Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.