Here are some examples demonstrating his omnipotence:
1. Over nature:
a. He separates light from darkness (Gen 1:4).
b. He separates the waters by the firmament (space) (Gen 1:7).
c. He separates the seas from the dry land (Gen 1:10).
d. He measures oceans in his hands (Isa 40:12).
e. He weighs mountains in his scale (Isa 40:12).
f. He regards nations as a drop in the bucket (Isa 40:15).
g. He looks upon the islands as small particles of dirt (Isa 40:15).
2. Over men (Dan 4:30–32).
3. Over angels (Ps 103:20).
4. Over Satan.
The first two chapters of Job deal with Satan’s accusations against the patriarch before God. The devil then subjects Job to various fierce and fiery trials, but not before being granted the needed specific permission from the omnipotent God himself (see Job 1:12; 2:6).
5. Over death (Heb 2:14–15; Rev 1:18).
Perhaps this little chorus says it best:
Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?
Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through?
God specializes in things thought impossible,
What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you.