What are “divine attributes”?
What are God’s attributes?
What does it mean that God is spirit (John 4:24)?
What does it mean that God is a person?
How does the Bible characterize God as a person?
What does it mean that God is one?
What does it mean that God is a tri-unity?
What are some false views of the Trinity?
What are some proposed illustrations to explain the Trinity?
What are the key Old Testament and New Testament passages referring to the Trinity?
What role did the Trinity play in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
What roles did the three persons in the Trinity play in salvation?
What does it mean that God is invisible? (John 1:18; 6:46; 1 Tim 1:17; 6:16; 1 Jn 4:12)
What does it mean that God is self-existent?
What does it mean that God is self-sufficient?
How is God eternal?
What does it mean that God is infinite?
What does it mean that God is perfect?
What does it mean that God is omnipresent?
What two aspects should be kept in mind as one studies the omnipresence of God?
What are some of the implications involved in the omnipresence of God?
What does it mean that God is omnipotent?
What are some scriptural passages and illustrations about the omnipotence of God?
What does it mean that God is omniscient?
What does it mean that God is immutable?
What does the Bible mean when it says God repented?
What does it mean that God is sovereign?
If God is sovereign, how do we explain the presence of sin and evil?
If God is sovereign, how do we reconcile the responsibility and freedom of man?
What is the biblical testimony to God’s sovereignty?
What does it mean that God is incomprehensible?
What does it mean that God is inscrutable?
What does it mean that God is light?
What does it mean that God is unique?
What does it mean that God is glorious?
What does it mean that God is holy?
What does it mean that God is life?
How does the living God interact with idols, angels, nature, and man?
What does it mean that God is righteous and just?
What makes God righteous and not selfish?
What does it mean that God is truth?
What does it mean that God is wise?
What does it mean that God is good?
What does it mean that God is patient and long-suffering?
What does it mean that God is a God of wrath? (Rom 1:18).
What does it mean that God is a jealous God? (Exod 20:5; 34:14; Deut 4:24).
What does it mean that God is faithful?
What does it mean that God is merciful?
What does it mean that God is gracious?
What does it mean that God is love?
Is there a conflict between God’s love and God’s justice?